The Material Tree

The Material Tree allows the user to combine two "parent" materials based on a specific method, creating a complex "child" material. Two "child" materials can be combined in the same way, yielding a more elaborate material.

Material Tree.jpg

The methods for combining two materials are:

  • Marble. Consists of alternating slabs of vein and base materials. This is a 3D pattern defined for all points in space.
  • Granite. Produces a spotted pattern. The spots are solid pockets of material embedded in a base material.
  • Wood. This combination method produces concentric cylinders of alternating base and ring material. For realistic results, it is important to map correctly.
  • Blend. This is a simple option to combine two base materials and control the proportion of each one.
  • Angular Blend. This blends two materials from different viewing angles. It is useful for materials that are reflective at glancing angles and not reflective at 90 degrees. However, Fresnel effects are a physically-based way of producing similar effects.
  • Tile. This is a 2D procedure that combines two materials - one as a tile and the other as the joint between tiles.
  • Fractal.

Depending on which procedure is selected, different controls are available to the user. Marble, Wood, Granite, and Fractal all draw from the same set of controls. They are:

  • Feature. The ratio between base and stripe, spot, or ring is accessed through this control. It varies between 0 and 1. Lower values mean a higher ratio of base to feature.
  • Blend. This controls how much partial combination of the two materials occurs.
  • Bump. Creates the appearance of bumpiness. It ranges from -1 to 1. Negative values make the base appear concave, while positive values make it appear to stick out.
  • Turbulence. This is available for only marble and wood. It determines how chaotic the features are. A value of 0 produces perfect rings. Higher values distort and twist these rings.
  • Octaves.
  • Absolute Value.
  • Veneer. This checkbox applies a 2D surface veneer instead of a 3D blend of materials.
  • Scale.:

See also

nXtRender Add-ons
