IRender nXt Libraries

Enhance your SketchUp Renderings with Plant and material libraries.
Downloading nXt Libraries
To download and install the latest libraries:
- click: Downloads Page,
- Enter you name and email address and proceed to the download page, and
- Select IRender nXt Libraries from the right of the first row of downloads.
This download contains:
- New nXt Materials
- Older AccuRender Materials converted to nXt format
- New nXt Plants and Trees
- Older AR4 Plant and Tree Library
- HDRi Skies for the second and additional tabs on the HDRi Setup dialog
IRender nXt Libraries
The IRender nXt Libraries of plants and materials are only available to clients who purchase IRender nXt
The Libraries contain:
- AR3 materials converted to nXT .ArMaterial file format.
(Many of these materials have been completely recreated for nXt.) - New .ArMaterial files created for nXt.
- AR3 Trees and Plants
(These still work well with nXt.) - New nXt Trees
(Created with RpTreeMaker) - Additional HDRi skies for use with IRender nXt
Material Libraries

The Material Libraries contain AccuRender AR3 libraries converted to nXt (.ArMaterial) format as well as new materials created for nXt.
Solid Materials
Some of these materials are "Solid" - such as the solid wood materials - which don't repeat and work better with sculpted surfaces.
Arroway Sample Materials

Arroway has made about 100 lo-res versions of their texture available to IRender nXt users and wehave converted these into .Armaterial materials in the IRender nXt Libraries. Arroway is providing these sample textures in the hopes that you will like them well enough to purchase the hi-res versions.
See: Arroway Textures

Load from nXt Libraries
To access the nXt libraries:
- Load the Material Functions dialog from the toolbar. (
- Select Load from Library... to open the library of nXt Materials.
- Select the category and material desired.
- Turn on thumbnails in the browser if you want to see samples of each material as you load it.
- After selecting a .ArMaterial file, the image will appear and the size of the SketchUp texture it will generate.
- Click Create and Place to create a SketchUp material and place it on surfaces.
- Apply to single surface only: If checked, when placing a material, only the surface directly clicked on will receive the new material.
- Otherwise, all surfaces in the same component or group that had the same material beforehand will be changed as well.
- Replace Material (keep name) - When you check 'Replace Material (keep name)' then the exiting material name is retained.
- The properties are changed to match the library material.
- This keeps the same name, and automatically changes the appearance of the material on all faces which have original material assigned to them.
- This is especially useful with Material Styles . See also: Replace Material .
- Edit .ArMaterial - loads the material into the Advanced material editor to make changes.
(Changes made will be applied only to the material you are creating in SketchUp, and not to the .ArMaterial in the library.) - Reset Paths - resets the default User and Library paths for selecting materials.

- More Functions loads a dialog of additional material functions.
- Load Materials from AR3 libraries
- Create materials from Arroway or Image Maps
- Create materials from Texture Sets
Plant Libraries

The Plant Libraries contain various pre-made RpTreeMaker plants which can be used directly with IRender nXt.
These libraries are stored in the nXt_Materials folder in your Libraries folder.
To access these libraries:
- Select Create Plant from the IRender nXt Toolbar:
- Select Load from Library... to open the library of nXt Plants.
- Turn on thumbnails if you want to see samples of each material as you load it.