Download Render Plus Products

(For use with SketchUp for Windows only)

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The download files are the same for the full version as for the free trial versions, and both have the same features withot limitatins or watermarks.

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Downloads - Select product to download

IRender nXt for SketchUp (Windows only)
Mid-priced, full featured integrated renderer for SketchUp.

If you are looking for the old nXtRender Lite for SketchUp, it has been replaced by ArielVision for SketchUp.

IRender nXt - Version: XG25 Forum --- Information
IRender nXt Libraries - Version: PI21 Forum --- Information
3D Design Studio (IRender nXt Bundle) - Version: XG25 Forum --- Information
IRender SU for SketchUp - Version: XF04 Forum --- Information
ArielVision for SketchUp (Windows only)
Low cost, high quality, easy to use renderer for SketchUp.
ArielVision - Version: XG25 Forum --- Information
AccuRender nXt for Revit (AccuRender nXt)
Works with Revit 2009 through 2017 - 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
Click Information for more on nXtRender nXt for Revit.
nXtRender for Revit - Version: WI27 Forum --- Information
nXtRender for AutoCAD - 64 bit - Version: 0358 Forum --- Information
nXtRender for AutoCAD - 32 bit - Version: 0358 Forum --- Information
SketchUp Add-ons (Windows only)
SpaceDesign - Version: XF04 Forum --- Information
RpTools & NprTools - Version: XF04 Forum --- Information
RPS 3D PDF - Version: XG25 Forum --- Information
RpImageFilters - Free - Version: XA24 Forum --- Information
RpTreeMaker - Free - Version: XA23 Forum --- Information
RpWallMaker- Free for Windows - Version: WL06 Forum --- Information
SketchUp Add-ons for Mac
RpWallMaker - Free for Mac - Version: IB05 Forum --- Information
  • After Clicking a button to download, you will be prompted to download or open a .ZIP file.
  • Open the.ZIP file, and then double click on the entry which says "Click Here to Install XXX..."
  • The installation may ask you which Version of SketchUp to use. Select, or browse to the version of SketchUp which you are using.

If you have any problem downloading the software, contact: Email to: Render Plus

When you are ready to purchase a product, go to: Purchase

Newsletters: After downloading the product you will receive the Render Plus newsletter on products to enhance SketchUp. If, after receiving the first copy, you do not want to continue receiving newsletters, you may unsubscribe using a link in the Newsletter.

For more information on these products, see: Products