IRender Render 2 Tab
nXt Tab

- Special Options for IRender nXt .
- nXtRender plants
- Season - sets the default season for all plants.
- Random Rotation - randomly rotates plants.
- Random Height - randomly scales plants.
- Display all plants as 2D images
- It can take considerably longer to render fractal plants than to render the 2D images of plants stored in SketchUp.
- Use this check box to render all plants in 2D.
- Flag all Plants to render as 2D images
- Flag all Plants to render as full fratal plants
- You can also set individual plants to render in 2D or as full fractal plants by right clicking on the plants, and selecting Create Plant#Edit Plant ..
- Use these buttons to flag all plants, then right click on the ones you want to change.
- See: Create Plant
- Color Render Mode - renders scene without colors or textures
- Normal - use normal rendering mode.
- Clay - no textures, all colors are white
- Gray - No Texture - no textures, all color are grey
- Color - No Texture - no textures, normal but use material colors.
- See: Color Render Mode for more examples.

Example of clay render mode
- Use Section Planes
- You can use SketchUp Section Planes to cut sections through your IRender nXt model.
- IRender nXt cannot tell which section planes are enabled or disabled. Ordinarily, all section planes which are visible are used to clip the rendering.
- You can override this with:
- Visible Only
- All
- None
- Create Materials from Layer Names
- Create new Materials to match layer names, and assign them to faces in layers.
Processing Parameters Refractive Bounces
- This specifies how many time light is processed when refracting through thick glass. It also limits the number of transparent surfaces that the light in a rendering will pass through.
- 3 is usually OK. However, if you have scenes with glass cases, or thick glazed windows, you may need to increase it to 8 or more.
- You will also need to increase this limit if there are several stacked transparent surfaces or windows that light will need to pass through.
Reflective Bounces
- Determines how many time reflection is processed.
- 6 is a good default.
- Use higher numbers for special situations, or lower values to speed up rendering when only 1 or 2 levels of reflection are required.
Render Quality
- Quick Draft is about 4 times faster and should be used, along with a smaller rendering size while you are working on your model.
- High products a full, high quality rendering.
See also