What-s new - April 2007

What’s new at Render Plus ?

April 2007

We've been adding features to our existing applications - such as IRender and RPS 3D PDF , and adding new applications, such as Construction Documentation and FF&E .

I know is seems overwhelming to have to many SketchUp add-on's and so many features. But we are trying to offer users the chance to add features which have not been included in SketchUp itself. When we hear of a feature a user needs we try to add it to one of the add-on applications.

For those users who have a need for two or more Render Plus applications, (or perhaps all of them), we are offering a special bundled price for all the applications. By purchasing the full bundle, you will receive all of the features we offer at no additional cost.

Check out what is new!



Light Fixture Wizards


If you haven’t tried the new floor lamp and table lamp wizards, check them out.

The Create Light Fixtures Wizard creates floor lamps, table lamps, street lamps or garden lamps by combining components for base and shade, and specifying sizes and colors.


Page layouts


There are 4 basic modes of page layout, depending on whether you want to include a background image, textural information, neither or both.

This gives you more options to create documents combining text, images and your interactive 3D model.

Component Information

Component info.jpg

If you right click on a component, the context menu will display the number of instances of that component in the model.

If you select the instance count display, a dialog box is loaded which lets you see information about the component.

Counting the number of instances of a component used to be easy to do in SketchUp 5, but it was moved and made harder to find in SketchUp 6.

Construction Documentation

Rich Text


The first item in this project has bee released, Rich Text .

Rich Text allows you to use text fonts, sizes, colors, and images to create 2D text - in plan or elevation in your SketchUp model.

PDF Plot

Pen Settings.jpg

The second phase, PDF Plot should be released the week of April 20th.

PDF plot lets you create a 2D scaled PDF of you model, supporting new 2D features - such as Rich Text , Pen Widths , and Pen Colors .


Indented Bill of Materials


RPS FF&E can produce an indented Bill of Materials, which shows the sub-components of a component and calculates the cost of the component.

An indented BOM report contains components placed directly in the model, and sub-components placed inside components. A component which contains sub-components is called an assembly.

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