Rendering Tip - Batch Render

Processing a rendering doesn't require SketchUp to be running when you employ the IRender nXt batch render feature. Batch rendering offers many distinct advantages but the most important is the ability to close all programs on your computer (including SketchUp) and dedicate CPU processing to your rendering, or renderings.

Set Render Scene

In SketchUp, set the scene for your rendering. If you have used layers when constructing your model, turn off display for layers that are not visible in the scene and don't affect the lighting solution for the scene. For example, turning off layer display for light fixtures that do not illuminate the scene will speed up the completion of the rendering.

Set and Save Render Options

Set the options for the rendering. There are a few options that should not be ignored for successful batch renderings:

Setup Options - Render

Click Batch Render Settings to set the Batch folder for the rendering


Batch Render Settings
1.1 Custom (folder) setting
I use Custom when I intend to set up several batch renderings.
1.2 Set the Path and folder name for batch files
Write the folder anywhere, some place easy to remember is a good idea.
1.3 Notify that data is ready
A dialog will display once the batch folder is ready.

Setup Options - Image

Save the completed rendering. I save a native nXtImage, the benefit is that I can use the IRender nXt Light Balancer interface to adjust lighting.

  1. Check Use Auto Image when complete Uncheck other options and set a value for Autosave image... to ensure that if the power goes out you'll have a rendering
  2. Select nXtImage as the image type
  3. Click browse to set the folder and file name for the nXt Image
  4. Check Close Window to close the program when the rendering is completed and the image is saved

Setup Options - More

  1. Unselect Show End Render dialog after rendering This will allow the render window to close when the rendering is completed.
  2. Whenever I have render options set for a scene, I save the options to a file. This makes it easy to recall the options later.

I save the options in the project folder and I match the name of the scene to make it easy to pair options and scenes.

Prepare All of the Scenes to be Rendered

Repeat the steps above for all of the scenes of your model that you intend to render.

Prepare Batch File

Once you've set a scene and have the options set for your rendering, it's time to create the batch file, Click Start


When the batch file is ready, the following notice displays.


Note: If you are preparing batch files for more than one scene, load the next scene then don't forget to load the Setup Options File for the scene (available on the "More" tab).

Start a Batch Rendering to Render One Scene

If you are able, close SketchUp and other running programs, especially if you plan to let your rendering process while you are gone from the office.

Browse to the batch folder and start the rendering by Double-Clicking start_batch.bat


Render Multiple Scenes in Sequence

I have four scenes that I want to render using the batch method. I want to start the renderings when I leave the office at 5:00pm and I expect them to be finished when I arrive at 7:00am. I'll plan for thirteen and a half hours of rendering time, so my renderings should be ready at 6:30am.

I know that these renderings will benefit from as many passes as possible. On the Setup Options Rendering tab I have set Stop Rendering after : Passes to 2000 and Minutes to 200 for each scene. The renderings are complete after 2000 passes or 3 hours-20 minutes, whichever happens first.

To render all four scenes sequentially I've added a batch file to my batch files folder.


Here's the contents of the file renderAll.bat:

pushd .\Street1
call start_batch.bat
echo Finished Street1

pushd .\Kitchen
call start_batch.bat
echo Finished Kitchen

pushd .\Dining
call start_batch.bat
echo Finished Dining

pushd .\MasterSuite
call start_batch.bat
echo Finished MasterSuite

When I close all of the running programs on my computer, browse to my batch folder and Double-click on renderAll.bat - the four scenes that I have prepared will render in sequence. All four renderings will be ready for my review when I arrive tomorrow morning, saved as nXtImages so that I can make any adjustments I want before my presentation!

We have lots more Rendering Tips !