PFoto Shopper

Completed document.jpg

pFoto Shopper for iPhone/iPad

pFoto Shopper by is the easy way to record and share your shopping finds.

  • Take a snapshot of the item you are interested in with your iPhone, or iPad (using the iPad Camera Interface ,
  • Highlight the item desired
  • Add arrows and comments
  • Remember the store, date and price.
  • Save Document or email to yourself or a friend.

All information - including markups to the photo and comments are then stored as a new image which you can save on your iPad or iPhone and/or email to your friends.

PFoto shopper Screen Shot.jpg


Purchase and Install

Visit Photo Shopper in iTunes, purchase it and download it to your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.


1. Install and start pFoto Shopper Photo Shopper Icon.jpg
2. Click the upper right + icon to start a new document. Plus-icon.jpg
3. Select Take Picture New image.jpg

4. Take a picture with you iPhone and select Use
5. Use the squiggle icon, or the rectangle icon to highlight something. Markup-icons.jpg
6. Use the arrow icon to draw an arrow from the item to be highlighted. Arrow-icon.jpg
7. Add a comment to match your arrow
8. Type in the store name and price Store-name.jpg

9. Click the lower right icon to save the document, or email it to yourself or to a friend. Save document.jpg

Toolbar Icons


  • Plus Sign - Take picture or use imported image.
  • Arrow - toggle markup icons on and off
  • Magnifying Glass - zoom image
  • Easel - set parameters
  • Disposition - Save or email document.

MarkUp icons

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